Monday, February 4, 2013

Mamavation Monday ~~~~ Restart

Well I fell off the wagon. This getting into a healthy pattern is easy to start with but then so often something happens and you go a little sideways from the plan.
Well you know what I have a full on tendency to set fire to the wagon when I fall off. I feel so defeated that I can't even complete a month long plan. What's that point you know? Everything seems to be against me, my body is just not functioning the way I want. The scale is not moving in the proper direction. Nothing is going right!
I had to sit down and have a serious heart to heart with myself. I have to remember why am I doing this. Sure a sexy looking body would be nice, and fitting into smaller jeans is awesome. Those things though are just physical, how are they going to help me in my life?
Why do I want to be healthy? well simply I want to be around for my family I want to be able to play with my kids. I want to run,jump and feel the freedom that come with being able to move freely.

So I decided to grab the fire extinguisher and put out the fire. There is still a bit of what remains of my earlier progress, it's not all lost. I might need to stop being so dramatic, but the likeliness of that happening is small. I will though remember, that doing something even if it is small steps will get me to my goal.

There are many tools to help you along the way. there are books, website, even classes to help motivate you to go forward working on being the best you can become. You know because the sexy body isn't the main goal doesn't mean that I don't want to look good. We women deserve to feel as amazing as we all are. How you feel about yourself is super important much more important than your dress size. Face your fears, get out of the comfort zone and go for it ladies.

“This post is sponsored by Jessica – the Healthy Hip Chick and Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway” 

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